The Golden Era of Paternity?

‘After decades of paternal aloofness, men came charging in with almost a religious enthuasium’!

Did you know that a father’s more playful interactive style, for example, turns out to be critical in teaching a child emotional self-control?

Likewise, father-child interactions appear to be central to the development of a child’s ability to maintain strong, fulfilling social relationships later in life.

So give you’re partner, husband, father, friend a pat on the back and the recognition they deserve!  Good job boys!!!


In Health and Wellness,


Krista Lynn Reid

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Office Location

591 Byron Avenue Ottawa, Ontario
K2A 4C4

Opening Hours

Monday – Friday:
07:00 AM – 7:00 PM
07:00 AM – 2:00 PM

Contact Details

Phone: (613) 288-2225
FAX: (613) 288-2226

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